Who we are


The Foundation of the Biosciences Institute (Fundibio) is a non-profit foundation that aims to connect the university to society. Since 1995, the Foundation has been working and contributing to the creation and maintenance of several projects, with the objective of promoting scientific and technological development. We are a private law foundation, founded on the constitution of a heritage, and our work serves as a basis for ideas developed at the University. The projects we develop and support seek, by their means, to act for the benefit of the community. With excellence, Fundibio contributes to teaching, research, extension, innovation, culture, services and events, and can also help in your project.

Atualmente, o corpo administrativo da Fundibio é composto pelo Diretor Presidente Prof. Dr. William Fernando Zambuzzi, pelos Diretores Executivos Prof. Dr. Joel Mesa Hormaza e Nivaldo Conceição Ferreira, e pela equipe administrativa que é composta por Márcia Galvão e Lidiane Fernandes Porto.


Our team

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